Essas são dicas que a Au Pair Care dá de brincadeiras adequadas para cada idade.
No começo,quando você ainda não conhece as kids direito e suas formas de brincar,essa dica é ótima pois vc não fica tão perdido e inibido (por estar sendo analisado pelos pais).
Ao menos uma das brincadeiras sua kid deve gostar ou conhecer,sendo uma maneira de quebrar o gelo com a criança,que muita das vezes fica "shy" com você no começo.
Newborn to Three Months
Offer the baby any of the following, but make sure they are safe for his age (no small pieces that may be chewed, or long strings):
Soft animals, dolls or balls
Toys that squeak when squeezed
An unbreakable mirror
Soft books with patterns
Objects that are brightly colored
Ways to interact with baby:
Hold, rock, sing, coo and talk
Make funny faces and noises
Play 'Little Piggy' with his toes
Blow kisses on her belly
Three to Six Months
Add any of these toys (again making sure they are safe):
Plastic or board books with large pictures
Play blocks of wood
Plastic keys or rings
Toys that roll
Floor mat or activity gym
Teething and Musical toys
Ways to interact with baby:
Play all kinds of music
Play imitation - encourage the baby to copy you
Point things outside, in the room, etc
Read books
Move baby's arms and legs in rhythm while you sing
Play peekaboo
Six to Twelve Months
A baby develops lots more skills in this time (sitting, crawling, picking things up) so you will have lots more ways to play than before. Play games that get her moving, exploring, thinking and learning.
Offer toys that get her moving - push/pull toys, stacking toys, safe household objects, small riding toys, balls and blocks
Practice and help him sitting, rolling over, crawling, walking.
Hold him in a standing position on you lap and encourage him to bounce
Practice reaching - place a toy just out of her reach, and cheer her on as she try to grab it
Go cruising - visit the park, library, playground, backyard or other busy exciting places!
Talk - speak slowly, clearly and simply. Tell her what everything is called
Songs and movement - clap hands, 'itsy-bitsy spider', 'ring around the rosie', etc.
One to Three Years
For toddlers, play is a great way to learn and practice social skills, develop their muscles and use up some of their endless energy!
Swinging on a swing, sliding down a slide
Pounding and shaping play dough
Hopping, skipping and jumping
Running races, playing ball or riding on toys
Playing make believe, dress up or making up stories
Finger painting, drawing with crayons
Playing with sand or water
Singing songs and dancing
Reading books
Playing 'follow the leader'
Play dates with other children
Four to Six Years
With a preschooler there are lots of games and activities to choose from. Here are just a few ideas.
Bike riding, ball playing, running, etc.
Make believe, dress up, treasure hunts
Creative projects - building with blocks, paints and crayons, collages, clay sculptures, making necklaces, etc
Simple board games
Musical games - singing, playing instruments, playing 'freeze dance' (dance until the music stops) Play dates with other children
Lots of reading!
Cheguei =]
Há 16 anos
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